Report of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of October 2, 2023
Interview of Michael O'Conner for appointment to the Zoning Board of Appeals, term ending April 30, 2026
Interview of Steve Raminiak for appointment to the Senior Citizens Commission term ending April 30, 2026
Interview of Pamela McVoy for appointment to the Commission for Citizens with Disabilities term expiring April 30, 2026
Paragon Mechanical - 2400 S. Arlington Heights Rd. - PC#22-010
Amendment to LUV Ord. 20-022, Variations
Patton School Gym Addition - 1616 N. Patton Ave. - PC#23-010
Special Use Permit Amendment, Variation to Waive Traffic & Parking Study
An Ordinance Approving a First Amendment to the Lease Agreement with Shree Neelkanth, Inc.